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All CollectionsWeb tracking
🚩 Common reasons web tracking is not working or doesn't show identified leads
🚩 Common reasons web tracking is not working or doesn't show identified leads

Having trouble seeing identified visitors? Don’t worry – we’ll walk you through it and help you get everything in order.

Updated over 4 months ago

If you are having trouble getting the web tracking active:

  • Visit your page and browse a few pages. Once you've browsed a few pages and stayed on the page for longer than 3 seconds, head back to Outfunnel and click on "Verify installation". If you don't see it verified then wait 5 minutes and click on it again. If it's still not verified, please reach out to support

  • Disable or purge cache. If your website uses cache then please try purging the cache or disabling the plugin that adds this functionality. One web tracking is live you can enable it again.

  • If using WP plugin. Ensure that the tracking code is correct in the plugin.

  • If using GTM. Ensure that you've published the changes

If web tracking is active but you don't see any identified visitors:

  • Confirm that a recipient has clicked on a link in your email. A recipient should have clicked on a link in your email campaign that leads back to your website

  • Website visitors have not yet filled out an HTML or supported iframe form on your website. See a list of supported forms

  • If your website is a Single-page application, more setup is required to make the forms work. See here for instructions.

  • Your leads have not yet visited your website.

  • Website visitor stayed on the page for less than 3 seconds. Outfunnel applies a 3-second delay to the start of web tracking and uses a combination of browser data points to determine whether the visit has been made by a bot or a human. This means that if you identify a lead from an email click, a web visit may not always be recorded to reduce clutter and only provide you with accurate data.

  • Another app on your website is blocking the script. It may be that another app is blocking the Outfunnel script on your website. Simply disable the app to see if that fixes it and reach out to Outfunnel support to find a workaround. Known apps that interfere with Outfunnel tracking script:

    • Mouseflow

    • Cookie consent apps

Couldn’t find a solution? Contact us at and we’ll help you out.

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