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Linkedin Lead Gen Forms - CRM connection

Record Linkedin Lead Gen Forms submissions to your CRM

Updated over 7 months ago

Linkedin Lead Gen Forms allow you to run lead-generation campaigns on Linkedin. By default, Linkedin collects the new incoming leads on their platform and you can easily download them as a CSV file. Without any integration to the rest of your stack, you’d have to export the CSV and import it to your CRM and/or marketing automation tools.

With the help of Outfunnel, you can make sure all your new leads get added to your CRM helping you save time and drive more sales. Here's what it does:

  • Automatically add new leads from Linkedin Lead Gen Forms to your CRM (Pipedrive, Copper, Salesforce, or HubSpot CRM) — no more manually exporting-importing lists.

  • Map custom fields, so all the necessary data is synced to your CRM — and sales can easily create custom filters or lists to categorize the incoming leads accordingly.

  • Record the form fill for your contacts in the CRM, so sales have the full context of the lead.

What you'll need to get started

  • Access to Ad Account and Company Page on Linkedin. The authenticated user must have one of the following ad account and company page roles (on the company page associated with the Ad Account in Campaign Manager):

    • Ad Account Roles:





      • VIEWER

    • Company Page (Organization) roles:



      • CURATOR


      • ANALYST

  • Ensure you have at least one Lead Gen Form created.

  • A CRM account with admin access. Outfunnel supports Pipedrive, Hubspot, Copper, and Salesforce.

How to record Linkedin Lead Gen Forms submissions in your CRM

1. Go to Outfunnel > App connector, select your CRM and Linkedin Lead Gen Forms, authenticate the apps, and click on Create connection.

💡 Note that if you have multiple ad accounts on Linkedin, Outfunnel shows the lead forms from all ad accounts

2. Select the desired form from the dropdown. If your form is missing, please click on "Refresh fields" —the form should appear in a few moments. If it doesn't please contact support via the in-app chat.

3. Select which fields or custom fields you’d like to sync to your CRM with field mapping. If the field does not yet exist in your CRM, you need to create it first.

4. Finally, define how you’d like form submissions to be recorded in your CRM. Outfunnel supports creating an activity, a note (Pipedrive only), or updating a field.

5. Click on Activate to put the connection live. When a form is submitted you should see a contact getting created based on the field mapping (if a contact with the same email did not exist) and a form-fill activity created with the submission within 30 seconds.

We recommend testing it after activating.

An example of Linkedin Lead Gen Forms submissions showing up in Pipedrive CRM.

Submit a test lead

You can now test how contacts will be created in your CRM by submitting a test form submission:

  1. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown.

  2. Go to Advertise > Ad tab > click on the linked text in the Ad name to open a preview of the ad in a new tab on your browser.

  3. Click the call-to-action button in the preview.

  4. Fill in the form fields and click Submit.

  5. The contact and form fill should appear in your CRM in a few moments. You'll also be able to see the form fill under the status page in Outfunnel

Tips, observations, and useful definitions

💡 Outfunnel creates a "Form Fill" activity in the CRM automatically. Once a Linkedin Lead Gen Forms submission is filled, a "Form Fill" activity is recorded for the contact in the CRM, along with the submission details.

💡 Outfunnel creates the contact in your CRM if the contact does not exist in the CRM already. Data from all the fields will be synced over according to your field mapping.

💡 Existing contact fields are not updated. If the contact already exists in your CRM, Outfunnel will not overwrite its fields. The full form submission is recorded as an activity.

💡 If things are not working. Please see here for common issues and fixes.

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