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2-way HubSpot-Klaviyo integration
Updated over a week ago

When connecting HubSpot to Klaviyo you have two options:

  • Use a Zapier connection which is universal but difficult to configure, maintain and can get expensive rather quickly. For each contact added, field updated, contact deleted or engagement created you'd need to set up an individual zap with multiple steps to ensure no duplicates are created and the information is synced with the right contacts.

  • Use HubSpot's Data Sync (Operations Hub) to sync contacts. While effective, you do need to be on the paid plan to sync custom fields and it does not record email engagements (e.g. email opens, clicks, etc).

Outfunnel's HubSpot-Klaviyo integration is the only one designed for B2B companies who want 2 key things from a sales-marketing integration:

  1. Keep sales and marketing contacts in sync and

  2. Automatically record marketing engagement in HubSpot for the salespeople to see.

Our integration syncs your HubSpot contacts to Klaviyo, keeps the lists up to date, and records all email engagement as activities on the contact profiles in HubSpot.

With just a 10-minute, no-code setup your marketing can use the contact lists defined in HubSpot for their campaigns and give sales full visibility into leads' engagement, so they can sell smarter.

Connect HubSpot and Klaviyo, deeply and easily

14-day free trial. No credit card required.

What data does Outfunnel sync between HubSpot and Klaviyo

Contacts and companies

  • Make all HubSpot contacts or subset(s) you define with filters available in a Klaviyo list, along with your custom contact and company fields.

  • Keep the two databases in sync going forward. E.g. if a custom text field is updated in HubSpot, this is updated in Klaviyo automatically.

  • Sync Klaviyo contacts to HubSpot when they subscribe or when they open or click an email campaign


  • Record Klaviyo email engagement for contacts in HubSpot. Outfunnel supports sends, opens, clicks, bounces, and unsubscribes.

  • Record web visits and custom lead scores in HubSpot with Outfunnel's own Web tracking and Lead scoring as additional lead signals.

Set up contact sync

Sync contacts from HubSpot to Klaviyo and create contacts in HubSpot from new Klaviyo subscribers.

1. Authenticate your apps. Head to App connector, select HubSpot and Klaviyo, and authenticate as per on-screen instructions if you haven't done so already. Klaviyo Private API key can be found under Settings > Account > API Keys

2. Select the connection type. Click on Connect and choose Contact sync as the connection type

3. Set up contact sync rules. You can set up the contact sync from HubSpot to Klaviyo or Klaviyo to HubSpot.

💡 Adding contacts

  • Outfunnel adds contacts to the Klaviyo list and you can also choose to subscribe them. Whether they are just on the list or also subscribed, you can send marketing emails to these contacts in either case.

  • In case you choose to subscribe the contacts, we strongly recommend turning off double opt-in for the lists in Klaviyo as otherwise all contacts that get added to the list through Outfunnel receive a list subscription confirmation email.

  • Outfunnel resubscribes contacts that had unsubscribed in the past. To avoid this, simply remove the contact from the HubSpot list. Suppressed contacts don't get resubscribed.

💡 Removing contacts

  • If a contact is deleted or removed from the HubsSpot list, Outfunnel removes the contact from the respective list in Klaviyo. The contact still remains in the overall contact database in Klaviyo and retains their subscription status.

💡 Things to keep in mind

  • Contacts do not get removed/unsubscribed from Klaviyo if you remove the contact sync rule or change the target segment.

  • Sync contacts from HubSpot to Klaviyo. Choose whether to sync all Hubspot contacts or only contacts you’ve in a specific list. Then select the Klaviyo list you'd like to sync them to.

    You can sync different HubSpot lists to different Klaviyo lists (e.g. separate email lists for different regions or pipeline stages) or you can sync multiple HubSpot lists to the same Klaviyo list (e.g. a list with open Deals for each sales rep, all synced to one big newsletter list).

  • Sync contacts from Klaviyo to HubSpot. Choose a list that you'd like to record new subscribers to HubSpot as contacts and specify the owner.

    Once the contact is created in HubSpot, a "Contact Created" activity is added under the contact profile.

4. Set up field mapping. Navigate to the field mapping step to select which fields or custom fields you’d like the sync to consider.

💡 If the field doesn't exist in Klaviyo yet, click on "add new property" in the field mapping flow. If an existing property with the same name exists it will be linked (Case sensitive)

💡Please note that Klaviyo phone field only accepts numbers that match the following formats: +91xxxxxxxxxx

5. Activate. Activate the connection. The first sync can take up to 5 minutes based on the number of contacts in the sync. From there, Outfunnel checks for segment changes once every 2 hours. For example, if you add or remove a contact from the target segment then it will take a maximum of 2 hours for the data to sync. Field changes for contacts that are already in sync are updated in real-time.

Set up engagement sync

If you've already set up a connection, skip to the second step.

1. Authenticate your apps. Head to App connector, select HubSpot and Klaviyo, and authenticate as per on-screen instructions if you haven't done so already. Klaviyo Private API key can be found under Settings > Account > API Keys

2. Select the connection type. Click on Connect and choose Engagement sync as the connection type

3. Choose the list, flow or segment. Choose the Klaviyo list, flow or segment for which you’d like to record email engagement (opens, clicks, unsubscribes, etc).

4. Define how engagement gets recorded. Then define how you’d like email activities like opens, clicks, bounces, or unsubscribes recorded in HubSpot – or simply use our default settings.

5. Set up field mapping. When Outfunnel syncs an engagement for a contact that does not yet exist in HubSpot, a new contact can be created with the defined field mapping. Navigate to the field mapping step to select which fields or custom fields you’d like the sync to consider.

6. Activate. Activate the connection and choose whether you'd like to record the last 30-day engagements or only new engagements. From there, the sync happens every 2 hours.

💡 Important: The engagements that Outfunnel creates might be hidden at first in HubSpot. Here's how to make them visible:

  1. Make sure you have set up the connection and sent out at least one email campaign from Klaviyo.

  2. Open any contact profile in HubSpot and click on "Filter activity" option on the top of the timeline.

  3. Under the Integrations section, enable "Outfunnel" (if Outfunnel is not yet visible but you have sent out a campaign, the data sync might have not happened yet. Just open the connection and click on "Sync now". The activities will be created in the next 10 minutes.)

PS. We also offer retrospective sync on demand for an additional cost. Please refer to this article.

See what has synced

Once the connection is live, navigate to the Status tab to see how many contacts are in-sync, how many are errored (and why), and when the last sync ran.

Tips, observations, and useful definitions:


💡 Sync frequency. Outfunnel syncs data every 2 hours. You can force a sync when you click on the “Sync now” button of the connection in the App connector.

💡 Pre-create field values. Single and multiple option fields need to have the options pre-created in Klaviyo and HubSpot (case insensitive)

Contact sync

💡 Outfunnel supports two ways to manage your contacts between HubSpot and Klaviyo

  • Option A. Master database of all contacts in HubSpot, contacts synced to Klaviyo for emailing via Outfunnel. To enable this, first collate your whole contact list (HubSpot + Klaviyo) into HubSpot and sync all contacts or a selection you define with HubSpot lists, into Klaviyo with Outfunnel.

  • Option B. Contact list in Klaviyo is separate from the prospect/customer list in HubSpot. If a contact, defined by their email address, exists in both HubSpot and Klaviyo, we log email engagement to HubSpot to the right contact.

💡 Best results with a new list. We recommend setting up a brand new Klaviyo List to ensure everything works flawlessly, but syncing data to an already existing list works as well in most cases.

💡 Single source of truth is HubSpot. Outfunnel currently treats HubSpot as the “single source of truth”, and any changes you make in HubSpot will be reflected in Klaviyo. This doesn’t work the other way around. If you’d like to edit the contents of a field in Klaviyo, please make the changes in HubSpot and let Outfunnel take care of syncing this to Klaviyo.

💡 Duplicate contacts. If you have duplicate contacts in HubSpot, then Outfunnel only syncs the first instance of the contact to Klaviyo. This is because Klaviyo only accepts one unique email.

💡 Make edits in HubSpot only. Outfunnel currently treats HubSpot as the “single source of truth”, and any changes you make in HubSpot will be reflected in Klaviyo. This doesn’t work the other way around. If you’d like to edit the contents of a field in Klaviyo, please make the changes in HubSpot and let Outfunnel take care of syncing this to Klaviyo.

Engagement sync

💡 First unique URL click per email per contact is recorded. Outfunnel records the first unique URL click per email per contact. For example, if a contact clicks 2 unique URLs, 3 times each then two click activities get created in your CRM.

💡 Supported campaign types. Outfunnel comprehensively tracks and records data for Klaviyo:

  • Campaigns

  • Flows

💡 Email activity is registered on the Contact level. If someone has sent an email, or they open or click on an email, this is registered independently of the deal stage or pipeline in their Contact profile.

💡 All engagement is recorded as a new activity type in HubSpot. This applies to sends, opens, clicks, bounces, and unsubscribes. All of these types are easily filterable in HubSpot allowing you to create a list of people based on engagements.

Do you use web forms to collect leads to your lists? See the following integrations to automate lead capture sync to HubSpot:

Don't see your preferred web forms listed above? Browse the upcoming connections and sign up for early access.

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